SSV Network Reaches New Milestone With Over 1,000,000 ETH Staked

SSV Network, a decentralized staking infrastructure, is redefining the resilience and robustness of Ethereum validators through its distributed validator technology (DVT). Achieving a significant milestone, over 1,000,000 ETH is now staked on the SSV network, underscoring its growing influence in the blockchain space. Launched on the mainnet approximately a year ago, SSV Network underwent extensive testing, auditing, and phased launches to ensure a secure and robust protocol. Today, SSV operates as a fully permissionless network, boasting over 700 operators spread across five continents. These operators utilize all available execution and consensus clients, showcasing the network's versatility and global reach. SSV Network is more than just a staking infrastructure; it offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to support a diverse ecosystem of builders, protocols, and tooling. This suite provides developers with the necessary resources to integrate seamlessly with the network, […]

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