Whale’s $TRUMP Investment Goes South: A $24.4 Million Loss after Months of Strategic Moves
A dramatic turn of events occurred recently when a cryptocurrency whale made a massive exit from their $TRUMP position, dumping over 763,000 tokens in a single transaction at a substantial loss. The trade, executed just three hours ago, had the investor swapping their $TRUMP tokens for $9.48 million in $USDC, registering a whopping $24.4 million lost and gone. This move seems to mark the end of a series of high-risk roll-the-dice decisions that have gotten whales from profit town to loss city in just a handful of weeks. A History of Success: $TRUMP Investment Pays Off… Briefly The journey of the whale with $TRUMP began with an impressive success. After buying into the token at what looked to be an extraordinarily fortuitous time, the massive investor was able to surf the initial bullish wave that followed the token's launch. By […]